There is hope for arid countries and those with access to crystal quest water filters. Scientists in Italy claim they are working on water purification that will cut filtering costs in half. It’s all in the membrane evidently. They have developed a filtering membrane that looks a little like saran wrap and mimics our own bodies’ membranes, and is selective about what goes through and what is left behind. One application: undrinkable sea water, passed through this membrane will come out the other side minus the salt and potable. What an incredible gift for areas with undrinkable water.
It also offers a huge amount of filtered water before you need to change filters - 3,900 gallons.
This is another faucet mounted filter which makes it easier to filter large amounts of water than pitcher filter systems. The filter lasts for 100 gallons or two months. This is a pitcher filtration system which is the easiest solution for clean water. It holds 1.5 quarts and uses a carbon based system for removing impurities. Slow filtration means that ace water filters system is best for a small family. Reviews are positive for this unit. People like the fact that their filtered water tastes much better than straight from the tap. This water filter is an on-tap version which is really the easiest water filtration system next to the carafe methods. The unit connects to the kitchen faucet with no/limited tools. To keep you from overloading the filter it comes with an LED that tells you when you need to change the filter. Reviews are mixed for the ro water filters. Those dissatisfied with the unit complain that it does not kill bacteria and it is not as sturdy as they would like. Those who like it are please with its ease of use and the way it makes their water taste. Whether you drink bottled water, tap water, or filtered water, what makes the water you drink a “healthy water”? Many people realize that the quality of their drinking water is not ideal. Maybe it’s the taste or odor. Perhaps it’s the various chemicals in the water (some are added on purpose and some are from pollution). Some people think that the dissolved minerals in the water are good and others think they’re bad. The Healthy Water booklet outlines what is good and bad about the water you drink.
Also you can read about the water filters that I recommended and why right here. You can read summaries of the Healthy Water material here or order the full booklet for more information. Research on drinking water is highly fragmented and opinionated. Studies on water and heart disease ignore the findings on drinking water and cancer and vice versa. Healthy Water brings this diverse and confusing research into a coherent focus.